ISSb Interview is simply a test like other test but the difference is that in that test the interviewer just judge the personality trait on the candidates. In that test questions are asked to you about your personal life, Your surroundings, General Knowledge Questions, Mathematical Formulas hence the ISSB Interview session is divided into different categories and each category with the brief details is discussed here on this page.
Personal Life Questions in ISSB Interview:
One should have fully prepared for the different questions about their own personal life and the interviewing officer will put some stress on you regarding your personal life and personal life quest
ions does not mean that what is your name and your age the officer could asked different questions like
From where your parents belongs to
What is the anniversary date of your parents
How you parents meet each other
Questions about your Father occupation
Questions about your mother occupations
How Many Sisters and brother you have and their date of birth
Do you ever quarreled with you sister or brother and what is the reason behind that
If you have a sister then why she is not married yet
What is the total income of your father from all sources
What is your grandfather occupation and their income as well
Academic Career Questions in ISSB Interview:
Academic career of each candidates explain a lot to the interviewing officer so that is why here you do have to face some difficulties if you have any kind of ambiguity. Questions asked in that section could be like
What are your favorite subjects and why they are favorite
Why are you really good in some specific subject not others
What is your total marks obtained in the Matric Class
What is the total number of percentage you got in Matric
Marks obtained in Intermediate examination
From where you have completed your matric education, Address of your school
Why you do not like this subject
If you have failed or got supply in one subject then why
Mathematical Questions in ISSB Interview:
There are many mind bluster questions about the mathematical formulas regarding Weight, Time, Space and Speed.
For Example: Which of the following values is NOT equal to 34(58+9)?
A. 34 x 67
B. 58(34+9)
C. 34 x 58 + 34 x 9
D. 1,972 + 306
E. (9 + 58) 34
Physics Questions in ISSB Interview:
The subject questions will from from the syllabus book as all they have read in the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Class so that is why if you have fully grip on all the Law in the physic book then you could easily complete this category the questions normally asked from that section are about the Newton 1st Law, Newton 2nd Law, Newton 3rd Law, Boyle’s Law, Charles Law, Resonance and other all topics in books.
Social Life Questions in ISSB Interview:
The questions asked in that portion of Interview is all about your social life that means how you spend you life when you are outside of you home. The Questions in that category would be like
Why you have account on Facebook
Who is your best friend and why
Number of total friends you have
Good habit of some specific person in your friend list
How many female friends you have on your facebook or any other social media
Pakistan Studies Questions in ISSb Interview:
In ISSB Test an interviewing officer have much concern about the thing that how much you know Pakistan and its issues. Most of the ISSB Officer says that how could we recommend a person who did not know about his own country. The most of the questions asked in that category of ISSB Interview is about the Pakistan border and it could be Pakistan Afghanistan Border length, Pak China Border length, Pak India Border length so do know the Pakistan Border line information before you to to the ISSB Test Centres in Pakistan.
Religious Questions in ISSB Interview:
Religious questions in the Interview should be like
What is the difference between Nabwi and Hijri
What are the total number of Ayaat in Quran
Total Numbers of Surah in Quran
Kalab-ul-Quran is known which surat
In which Hijri Ghazwa-e-Badr were fought
Sex Related Questions in ISSB Interview:
Candidates if you are going for the ISSB Test Interview session then do prepare yourself to answer questions about the sex as interviewing officer do ask questions to put some pressure on you. That how many boyfriend or girlfriend do you have, Do you sleep with you boyfriend or girlfriend, Do you give me your girlfriend for one night etc etc.
Abbreviations in ISSB Interview:
Yes abbreviations can also be asked from the candidates that what is the abbreviation of ISSB, CSS, SIM, WIFI, MPEG, IP, DOS, GSM, PSO etc.
Pak Armed Forces Questions in ISSB Interview:
If you are going with a wish to join armed forces of Pakistan then you should have basic knwoledge about the armed forces as officer do ask you questions. The questions in that section of interview would be like
On which date did Captain Muhammad Sarwar awarded by the Nishan-e-Haider in Pakistan
Who is the chief of army staff
Army captain is equal to which naval officer rank in Pakistan
Who is the chief commanding officer of Pakistan Air Force
Who is the chief Commanding officer of Pakistan Navy
What is the role of our Pak Armed Forces in Indo Pak Wars Yet.