ISSB Day 2 Tests

DAY 2 Routine  (Summary)

President's Address

Psychologist's Tests

  • Verbal Intelligence tests 
  • Non verbal intelligence test
  • Mechanical aptitude test
  • SCT (sentence completion test)
  • WAT (word association test)
  • Picture story
  • Pointer story
  • Self description

President's Address
The president or Commandant of ISSB formally start the ISSB routine with his welcoming speech. This is the only interaction of the candidates with the president. The president is a Brigadier rank officer or equivalent.

Psychologist's Tests
The psychologist is a mental expert whose job is to asses the mental caliber and personality of each candidate. These tests are very difficult and cannot be out performed by anyone. For each test a question booklet is given to the candidates and the candidates write the answer key on a separate answer sheet.

  • Verbal intelligence test 
In this test there are 100 questions to be solved in 30 minutes time. As the name suggests these are all written questions. These questions are based on multiple choices (MCQS). 
These questions can be:-
  1. Math problems
  2. Analogies
  3. Odd-one out
  4. Next in series
  5. & Synonyms, Antonyms

  • Non-verbal intelligence test 
This test is comprised of 70 questions and time limit is 30 minutes. Non-verbal intelligence questions are based on pictures. The answer is to be chosen from 4 to 5 choices.
These questions include:-
  1. Merging the shapes
  2. Next Figure in Series
  3. Following the pattern

  • Mechanical Aptitude test (MAT) 
This test has 50 questions to be completed in 15 minutes. MAT aims to assess an individual's mental capacity to understand mechanical object and also the mechanics of nature i.e natural phenomenon.
Here are a few examples of MAT questions:-

Keep in mind that the questions in above 3 tests will get difficult as you progress. The main element in these tests is time. Try not to become relaxed after seeing the starting questions because they are the easy ones and the questions will become more and more difficult later. Also never rush to much either. Maintain a constant speed from the start to the end of each test. To excel in these tests you need practice. Solve quick math questions to train your brain. 

  • Sentence completion test SCT
In this test the candidates are given several incomplete sentences and they have to complete them in a very short time. The sentences are usually very tricky and its very tough to come up with a positive second half of these sentences.
For this test a paper is given to the candidates which has 26 incomplete sentences and the candidate has to complete those sentences on the same paper and when the time is over, the paper is taken and a new paper with similar questions is given to the candidates.

  1. Total number of sheets given is 3
  2. Number of English sheet is 2
  3. Number of Urdu sheet is 1
  4. Number of sentences in each sheet is 26
  5. Time limit for each sheet is 7 minutes.

Here are some examples of the SCT

  • Word association test WAT
In this test a word is presented on the screen and the candidates have to:- 
a) Make a sentence including the word
b) Make a sentence that relates to the word
c) or write a word that comes in mind after reading the on-screen word.

for example if the word on screen is "Mother"
You can make a simple sentence like:- Mother is Allah's biggest gift.
or you can make a relatable sentence like :- Everyone loves their child.
or You can simply write a relatable word like :- Blessing

There are total 76 words in this test and the time for each word is 8 seconds after that  new word showup. You have to be very quick in this test and cannot waste your time thinking of the suitable sentence.

Here are a few examples of word for WAT

Keep in mind that a sentences revolving around yourself makes you look narrow minded to the psychologist. Therefore try to avoid sentences relate to yourself and other people related to you. The best sentence is the one made in generalization and based on facts and observations.
Here is an example for you.
The word is "Brave"
Sentences like "I am very brave" and "My friend Sohail is the bravest in my class" are BAD sentences.
A good sentence can be like this "Bravery is the virtue of a soldier".

  • Picture story
In this test 3 black and white images are shown on the projector screen. You will be given 30 seconds to observe each image and write a short story on it. The time allowed for this test is 3 minutes. The language allowed is English only.
Here are some example pictures.

Do not Write long stories. Don't try to make the characters in your stories too heroic or too good to be true. Always keep a modest approach. Use simple common scenarios and and use the simplest ideas that come in your mind. Don't worry a lot about making a story positive as the psychologist will find out about your personality even if your write everything in a positive way. If your story is too good to be true than it will not reflect your own personality and will clearly show that its a made-up story. The psychologist can disqualify a candidate based on this.

  • Pointer story

For this test, one sentence is given which is incomplete in meaning. The candidates then have to continue that sentence to make a story, with a conclusion.

  1. Time given for this test is 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
  2. Language is English

Here is an example for you

  1. She was alone in the stormy night, Suddenly…


Try to make the story short, not more than 2 paragraphs. Try to make a positive story and DONOT make a story on murder, accident or some bad activity.

  • Self Description
This is the last psychology test. The candidates are given 5 minutes time to write a few points about them. As the test says, the candidates are asked to wright their "merits in the eyes of friends", and "demerits in the eyes of enemy".
There is no limit of sentences in this test.

The purpose of this test is to know your self image about yourself, meaning what a candidate thinks about his/herself.
For an army officer it is a must to have a good self image so write good things about yourself and those good things should be really present in your personality. DO NOT portray your self a perfect human being just write the truth.