ISSB Day 3 Tests

DAY 3 Routine  (Summary)

GTO chest number and group allocation

GTO indoor tasks

  • Group discussion (English and Urdu)
  • Group presentation or speech
  • Model planning

GTO outdoor tasks

  • Progressive group task
  • half group task
Interview (Psychologist)

GTO Chest number and group allocation
On this day the candidates are gathered in Johar hall where they are sorted in different groups and each group has one GTO. The candidates are also given different chest numbers for there groups, these chest numbers are different from their original chest umbers given on the first day. There are typically 10 to 12 candidates in each group.

GTO Indoor tasks

  • Group Discussion

This is the first GTO task, in this task one topic is given on which the candidates have to discuss like a general class room discussion. A candidate can either speak in favour of or against the given topic. The topic can be in English or Urdu it is up to the GTO. atopic is given and 30 seconds are given to the group to think about the points to discuss and after that a time of 15 minutes is given to the whole group for discussion.

First of all every candidate introduces his/herself to the group.
After that the GTO gives a topic, here are 2 examples of topics for a group discussion..

اِجْتِماعی خاندانی نظام كے فائدے
is co-ed a requirement of today

Always look to your group mates during the discussion and talk to the group mates only. Remember its a group discussion so let everyone speak and also you have to give a good participation, encourage others who are shy to speak. DONOT take the whole time speaking. Try to make short and effective points for you to discuss and give maximum 3 to 5 points throughout the discussion and give your points at different times not all at the same time.

  • Speech (Group presentation)

This is the part where its only who speak. A speech is a single person group presentation on a given topic. 
The candidate can choose to speak in favour of or against the given topic, the candidates can also choose his preferred language from English and Urdu for this task.
The GTO sends the candidate outside of room where he/she has 2 minutes time to think of good point about the topic and after 2 minutes he/she is called inside. The time for speech is 3 minutes.

Here are a few example topics for speech
a. Energy crisis in Pakistan (پاکستان میں بجلی کا بحران)
b. Mobile phones usage in kids (بچوں میں موبائل فون کا اِسْتِعْمال)

Always think of sloid pointed for your speech and try to come up with historical examples, or Islamic references. Use Iqbal's poetry in your speech if possible. Make good eye contact with everyone in the room during speech. DONOT look at the roof or walls, it will make you look dull. You hand gestures during the speech.

  • Group Planning
  1. GTO shows a model to the candidates. The model is of a city or a forest, where there are different places and different types of terrain. 
  2. GTO explains a scenario using the model. This scenario includes a problem that has to be solved in the given conditions. The GTO explains the model in very detail. 
  3. After the explanation the GTO asks for any question from the group.
After the briefing the group is given a time of 15 minutes to discuss the scenario and come up with the best solution for the problem given to them.
After 15 minutes discussion the group selects a participant to explain the solution to the GTO.

Here is an example Model for you..

  • There is a bomb blast at the railway station and the bridge connecting the station to a military hospital.
  • There are 25 injured people at the station, and 7 injured at the Broken bridge.
  • There is a military convoy in the mountains in which there are 3 vehicles that can carry the injured to the hospital. Each vehicle can carry at most 3 people at once.
  • The road connecting the army cantonment to the hospital and army cantonment to the railway station are highways with maximum driving speed of 80km/hour.
  • The road going through the mountains and connecting the hospital to the railway station is an old poor conditioned road with maximum possible driving speed of 30 km/hour.
  • All the injured must be delivered to the hospital within an hour for them to make it alive.

The GTO's explanation of the model is very lengthy and also tricky, listen VERY CAREFULY. If you remember the GTO's briefing well, only then you can come up with an actual solution.
Remember the group coordination is very difficult, DONOT rush things, try to calm everyone and think wisely.
IF you do not agree with the solution given by someone else, raise your hand and tell the GTO that you want to give your own explanation because you are not satisfied with the others' solution. In this task the GTO observes each candidate during the discussion and it is not necessary for each and every candidate to give solution to the GTO.

GTO outdoor Tasks
Outdoor tasks are physical tasks preformed outside in the field. These tasks test a candidate's mental as well as Physical abilities. These tasks further shows your decision making abelites and your leadership skills.

MISSION OF OUT DOOR GROUP TASKS : The main Mission in all GTO outdoor (group tasks) is to cross each task from the starting point to the ending point, along with all group members and all materials.
The ground is considered OUT OF BOUND for the candidates in every task and the group has to cross each task using different platform. To reach those platforms they use the material given to them for each task.
Different material is given to the group for each task. They have to secure the material and make it to the finish line with all the martial. Means the group must also take all material with them and take all material across the finish line.
Rules for GTO outdoor tasks

i. Planks: There are two types of planks, one is 2 feet long and the other is 4 feet long. They are used to connect one platform to the other.

ii. Bamboo: The bamboo is 6 feet long. It is used to connect the platforms on larger distances.

iii. Drums: There are two types of drums one small which weighs typically 5 kg, and other large that weighs almost 20 kg. The drums can be used as a prop or to stand on in different tasks.

iv. Rope: The rope is used to tie different materials. The ropes are of two types, thin and a thick rope.

v. Tire/Box: Rarely you may also get a tire and a box as materials. These can also be used as a platform to stand on them.

INBOUND: Inbound means allowed. Places coloured YELLOW, ORANGE, and WHITE are inbound for candidates. It means that the candidates can stand and place any material used in tasks on these places.

OUT OF BOUND: Out of bound simply means not allowed. The GROUND and all RED coloured places are out of bound for candidates. It means no candidates can stand on these places nor they can place any material on these places during tasks. If the candidates stand on these places or place any material on them it will be a foul and the GTO will minus the group marks on a foul.

INBOUND FOR METIRIAL : The places coloured in red and white stripes is inbound for material only. it means the candidates can not stand on these places but they can place their task material on these places during the tasks.

JUMP AND THROUGH ALLOWED : In the tasks where jump and through is allowed the candidates can simply jump from one place to another if possible and they can also through items from one person to other.

JUMP AND THORUGH NOT ALLOWED : In tasks where jump and through is not allowed the candidate cannot jump and a step more than 2 feet will be include in jumping which will minus the task point for the group. Similarly the candidates cannot through item to each other. When passing the item to one an other the item must always be in touch of hands and should not be in air for any smallest time, other wise it will be considered a foul.

  • Progressive group task

Progressive group task consists of 3 stages. This task becomes more difficult as you progress through the stages.
  1. Time allowed for task is 40 minutes.
  2. Jump and through is allowed in this task.
  3. Language allowed is Urdu and English.

Try to keep up you pace in all the stages. In many cases the group spends more than half time on just the first stage. Collaborate with the group in full, give your group mates positive suggestions, work as a Team. When you need, call a group member by his/her chest number. DONOT call the group members with their names or with low level language like "oye" or "bhai jan" or "dost" etc.

  • Half group task

In this task the group is divided into two smaller sub-groups and each sub-group attempt this task one by one.
  1. Total time allowed for this task is 10 minutes.
  2. Jump and through is not allowed in this task.
  3. Language allowed is Urdu and English.

Keep track of time as the time for this task is very little and will pass very quickly. Be fast an try to complete the task in given time. This is usually a small and simple task.

Interview (Psychologist)

In the psych interview the Psychologist will call you for an interview.
  • He/she will ask you simple questions about yourself.
  • The Psychologist will ask you questions based on the your early psychology test assessment.
Other psychologist questions can be..
  • About friends.
  • Daily activities.
  • Events of life.

Always remain truthful during the interview.
NEVER argue with the interviewer. 
Keep a mild and clear voice.
Sit in a straight and relaxed position.
Dress decent, don not over stylize.

on the third day, most of the times the interview is taken by the psychologist and Dy.President on the fourth day but the order can be opposite on few occasions.